I love this subject because I learned some things over the last few years and I'll get them out of the way first. If you don't make it to the end of this blog, but put this one thing into practice, I call it a win:
The question is: How to find time for yourself?
Take your calendar now
First, mark your "Me Time", it does not matter if it's 15 minutes or a few days, or hours, the important thing is to make it a regular thing.
Schedule your children and family appointments around those "Me Times".
Do not negotiate your breaks.
We know that unforeseen things happen, life is unpredictable, so hold strong to YOUR time.
If you can't change your schedule today because you're already overloaded, book your breaks in from the date those activities end. Don't worry if that means it starts from next month, next term, or next semester. It took me 3 months to put my breaks on the schedule, but I managed to put half-hour breaks between office hours and picking my kids up from school to simply do nothing, in this half-hour I spend with my dog, checking out stuff on the internet or watching a bit of tv.
It is important in your break that you don't get stuck doing "jobs" or doing the shopping. Little by little you will discover things that you like to do for yourself or things that you used to do and haven't done in a while.
Below are some tips to help you in this process:
1. Don't worry if the breaks are only 15/30 mins
2. Prioritise activities that you enjoy
3. Exercise should be on your list eventually
4. Make a list of people you want to have around but didn't have time for, call or hang out with these people during "You Time"
Involving a support worker in your week can really help you to make space for yourself.
We are here for you!